Softwise has been providing Pick/Mutli-Value Programming since 1982. If you have software application needs on Rocket Software (D3, Universe, mvBase) or Zumasys (jBase, QM) we can help. We can also support your networking and server needs to provide a complete IT solution. Softwise is also a Zumasys and Rocket SoftwareValued Added Partner.
Softwise is not just a software solution provider; we partner with our clients and their IT staff to assist in addressing their concerns. We extend our client’s staff with expertise in technologies with which they are unfamiliar.
Softwise also has expertise in AccuTerm GUI Programming. We speciallise in converting Green Screen applications into Windows GUI using AccuTerm. We offer on-site classes to train your programmers in Accuterm GUI. Softwise is also a Value Added Partner for all AccuTerm products.
We also provide Restful Services Programming for Pick/Multivalue systems. We can setup Web Services to your Multivalue Application or Customize an API call inside your ERP Multivalue programs. Sending or Receiving a json or XML response.
Our regular customers particularly value our commitment to service for their IT needs.